Services Provided
EDSFAT has the capability and experience in providing first aid and medical cover for events from small events, lasting a few hours, through to large international scout camps, lasting 7+ days. It can provide the necessary first aid, medical, nursing and physiotherapy personnel and equipment to offer a self sufficient service. They own and operate a fleet of vehicles to support their clinical work. See the resources page for more information.

EDSFAT has experience, contingency plans and suitable equipment to deal with outbreaks of infectious diseases and major medical incidents.
Prior to the event, EDSFAT will determine in discussion with with the event organiser the required level of assistance. We will also liaise with relevant external agencies as required including the local NHS Ambulance Service, local NHS Hospital, local Primary Care Trust, local Health Protection Agency and a local NHS Dentist.
EDSFAT aims to provide a versatile and bespoke service according to the event’s needs.
EDSFAT regularly support hikes in providing mobile first aiders, radio communications, hike control, team tracking, logistics as well as search and rescue assistance. EDSFAT also has extensive radio systems for use at such events.
EDSFAT regularly provides First Aid training for adults and young people. See the First Aid training page for more information relating to the First Aid training provided by EDSFAT and the training resources available to leaders for the staged Emergency Aid badges